
I have always been a daydreamer with an intuitive heart and it took some time to realize that this was a blessing and not a flaw. Still, every time I pick up a camera this becomes more and more clear to me. 

If I'm not taking pictures, I'm baking or doing art projects with my kids. I yearn for the openness to recognize my blessings, an overflow of lasting moments with those i love, QUIET NIGHTS AFTER THE HOUSE HAS SETTLED DOWN, and soul REPLENISHING hugs.

i am an artist. I am an influence. I am a friend. I have the power to show people the EXTRAORDINARy spirit that they hold within themselves.

– I Believe –

- in teaching my kids that dreams do come true
- in being goofy just to make others smile
- that walking through the woods with a camera is therapeutic
- in always having hope
- there is nothing chocolate cake can't fix
- in slumber parties with my kids on a Wednesday night
- laughing until my cheeks hurt at least once a day
- animals  know when your heart tank is low and have the power to fill it
- daydreaming and kindness are directly connected
- in true love